What's good Lions??  Winter has finally reached the Texas Pridelands, and as an added bonus, these sub 50 temperatures came with a healthy dose of H20.  More the liquid type than the snowy type unfortunately.  So yea, a big roaring "NO" to going outside.  Hakuna Matata tho, I decided to stay in and scratch my Star Wars itch by doing some art and taking in some media.  Let's get into it! First up, here's a look at the piece I'm working on currently.  Of course there is still an Apprentice to add; someone of Skywalker and Solo lineage.  And yes,...

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LIONBLOG #2 – EYE OF THE T…nevermind the title

So I binge watched the Rocky movies over the past few days (except V, there is no Rocky V *empty, yet oddly malicious stare*).  Rocky is SO beast; I love those movies.  Like okay, I've done some actual boxing and the stuff happening in the ring is straight up nonsensical.  Especially Rocky vs. Ivan Drago.  Nobody gets repeatedly slid in the chin by a Russian, gargoyle built ass dude like Drago and not flinch.  But whatever, it's tight and Rocky IV is still the favorite.  *sigh* Okay, now that I've said that, I kinda feel obligated to go ahead...

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So, I've decided to start chronicling my art journey so that the whole Pride can see and enjoy our growth and progression.  First up are a couple of pieces I've worked on recently. The first is my lionized (might have to copyright that :D) version of Street Fighter V's Akuma.  Get hype because this is going to be on a shirt pretty soon.   This next one is just a freestyle sketch.  I decided to paint it, now I kinda like it and I'm probably going to do more to it.  Possibly a full body shot too.

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General, New Products

Introducing: Stephen and Shane

Aww yea...fellow felines of the pride, I am so excited to present to you a new design from artist and story composer Stephen Patrick Kelly.  It features Shane Longshadow, the title character of his ongoing comic, Shane Longshadow is Hungry. Here's a brief synopsis: This is the story about a man named Shane Longshadow. When he was 8, his Father, Jack Hannigan, was killed in a match by his rival, Colm Shaughnessy. To protect him and his brother, their Mother had a family member take them back to America to hide and to give them a chance at life. 15 years later...

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Hello world!

You know, I thought about changing the title of this post; it's the default after all.  *sigh* But I am a software developer so it only seems right.  If anyone is actually still reading this, thank you endlessly for visiting the site.  Even if you don't find something, I hope you at least enjoy the designs and I encourage you to keep visiting to see how our products progress.  It's only gonna get more beast from here! CHIEF

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